Sunday, October 19, 2008


Since that day, it was obvious that Boss A treat me differently. to describe? CAREFUL, BETTER, DETAIL... even my other colleagues also feel that way. Is it because he feels guilty? I'm not sure and i choose not to think so much because it's not going to change anything anyway. I remember another statement that told by him "I will forgive but i will never forget!" Now i know how it feel and on top of that i hope he can add one more sentence "i'm sorry and i'll never forget my mistake!" hahaha... (just kidding, i know this is impossible)

About Boss S, she looks the same and i can tell that our relationship is totally crack. No greeting, no smiling, no chatting between she and me. Now purely just boss and staff relationship. Just simply she is not sincere as usual anymore. She is so fake lately and even though i tried to approach her about a botswana student matter. She answered me in a very unfriendly way by showing her back to me. Can you imagine i have such an unfriendly boss in my faculty?

Really disappointed~~~

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